Friday, November 8, 2013

Round 1, Day 16

I had the last chemo treatment for round 1 today. It went more smoothly than last week - while the Ativan didn't make me sleepy, it seemed to help the veins be nice and juicy and easy to poke. My neighbour and good friend Vicky was on hand to help me read aloud to take my mind off things and to help me calm down. Just mild panic as opposed to full-blown, eyes closed, mute and frozen panic. Thank you Vicky!

I feel blessed to have more energy at this point than I thought I would. And with a few extra days of rest, my body should hopefully withstand Round 2 with more reserve than usual when it starts November 18. I'm taking this time to do things I may not have the energy to do later - some Christmas shopping, ordering Christmas photo cards for the first time, setting up the Christmas tree this weekend, and planning Nolan's birthday celebration with some lovely ladies.

Thank you again for your prayers. Talking to nurse Colette today, I am convinced that it is those prayers that have made this round so relatively smooth and with so little side effects. She says this regimen is a very tough one and the drugs are incredibly strong, so it was great news that I haven't had to struggle with nausea much. Praise God!


  1. Praise God for sustaining you! You are so practical, so thoughtful in all you are doing to prepare yourself and your family! I pray God would continue to grant you energy and rest as you build yourself up strong for the next cycle. Should have looked you up at BCCA today... :) Stay strong, we continue to pray for you!

    1. Thank you Libby - right back at you :) We continue to pray for you - that Cliff's body will heal and his energy will return soon, and that He provides you the strength to keep going. Your dream about restoration is encouraging and I pray you will see restoration soon.
